Super Simple Mailing Lists for Developers

Looking for an effortless solution to gather subscriber signups? 📬

Fed up with the complexity of traditional email marketing tools? 🥵

Look no further! brings simplicity to your email list management. 🤩

Designed for developers, our platform offers an efficient and hassle-free way to build and manage your subscriber lists directly through our API:

Dive into our straightforward API docs below!

How It Works:

  1. Create Your Mailing List: Start by creating a mailing list using our straightforward API. This initial step sets up your list and gets you ready to connect with your audience.

  2. Integrate a Signup Form: Next, add a signup form to your website. We provide easy-to-follow code examples to help you craft the perfect form. This integration allows users to subscribe to your mailing list seamlessly.

  3. Fetch Subscriber Data: Easily retrieve your subscriber list through our API. For each subscriber, you’ll receive essential details, including email addresses and unique unsubscribe URLs.

  4. Merge with Your Email Process: With your subscriber data in hand, you can effortlessly merge this information into your existing email dispatch system. This allows for easy communication and efficient management of your mailing list.

At, we understand the value of your time and effort. That’s why we’ve made our system straightforward and developer-friendly, ensuring you spend less time managing your lists and more time engaging with your subscribers.

Get started today and experience the power of efficient mailing list management!

Get Started

At the core of our platform is our developer-friendly API.

1. Create a Mailing List


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Response HTTP 200

    "id": "LIST_ID"

Take note of the generated LIST_ID as you will use it in the next step.

2. Craft a Signup Form on Your Website

Build a signup form with two fields: list and email.

Simplified form example

<form method="post" action="">
  <input type="hidden" name="list" value="LIST_ID">
  <input type="email" name="email">

Request sample

curl -d '{ "list": "LIST_ID", "email": "" }'

The <form> you build must POST the above JSON data. Use e.g. JavaScript Fetch API.

This gets you started, but don’t worry a comprehensive guide is coming online.

3. Fetch Subscribers

At any time retrieve your signups (subscribers) using LIST_ID.


curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

Response HTTP 200

	"members": [
			"email": "",
			"url": ""
			"email": "",
			"url": ""

There you have your subscribers in a handy list. Use the list alongside your favorite email service, e.g. Amazon SES. is under development

The functionality exists, but there is no public API yet.

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